Fitting the spectral energy distributions of galaxies

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Galaxies emit electromagnetic radiation over the full possible frequency/wavelength range. Analysis of this radiation is the main means through which astronomers study distant galaxies and thus learn about their formation and evolution. The distribution of energy over wavelength/frequency is called the Spectral Energy Distribution (SED). The present webpage describes models and techniques used for fitting observed ultraviolet to infrared integrated galaxy SEDs. It is intended as a gathering point for information, hopefully fostering interaction between the members of the community. We also intend this as a single point of entry for finding models, codes and datasets useful for this task.

This page assumes some familiarity with jargon. If you could use a more general introduction, there are other webpages.

General description

Image credits: Chandra: NASA/CXC/SAO; Galex: NASA/JPL-Caltech; HST: NASA/AURA/STScI/Hubble Heritage Team; Spitzer: NASA/JPL-Caltech, VLA: MPIfR Bonn




